Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Achievments of Mesoamericans

I am a commoner in the Inca empire.I have to go out and find things to bring back.I haven't been finding a lot of things so I am behind on my rent.Right now I am in debt.If I don't pay it back I will become a slave.If I become a slave I could get sacrificed.I can't get sacrificed if do who knows what will happen to my family!I don't know what I am gonna do but whatever it is I have to do it fast!
I have 1 week to pay it.Everyone in my family and a couple of friends are helping me.I even so I don't think I am gonna make it.II still do have a plan B.If I don't get enough money I am going to run away with my family.I just need to figure out how.When 1 week past I still didn't have enough money.So at night we went to the city walls to escape but they were already waiting for us there.Someone had told on us.When was about to get sacrificed the Spanish attacked.
At the time I didn't know what was happening but I knew it was my only chance to get out of here.I went home looking for my family.When I got there I so my wife lying on the ground with a bullet in her head.I knew that there was no time to morn for her loss.I got my kids and left.We ran to my parents to see if I could still save them but it was to late.They were both dead.I got my dads sword and headed for a secret path.We finally got there but there were to Spanish there.I knew I had to save my kids.I went behind a wall and then attacked them.Since I got them by surprise I was able to kill one easily.But the other one stabbed me in the shoulder.When he was about to kill me my son stabbed him in the back and killed him.When were finally about to escape someone stabbed me I knew I had to kill or else he would kill my kids.With the last bits of my strength I cut his head off.Before I died I told my oldest son to take care of his sisters and to tell my story to everyone he met.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

My Life as a Peasant

  Life as a farmer is hard.We have to do most of the work to feed everyone.I have to go to war in a couple of months.Everyone relies on us to go to war build temples and all sorts of things.We have to work very hard and if we don't we can get sacrificed.None of us know how to read or right only the nobles do.We near the bottom of the social structure and yet we do mostly everything.
   But we do get rewards.When we build a temple we would sometimes get invited to royal weddings .I still really hate being a peasant if I were to be the ruler I would change how we get treated and everyone can learn to read.Also not only we would have to go to war.Well wish me luck and hope that I survive.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Aztecs were a very powerful empire.But they were also very religous and that was there downfall.They believed that one day there god would return.Since they had never seen someone with different skin color they thought that they were their gods.They welcomed the Spanish in and treated them like gods.When the Aztecs found out that they weren't gods they despised each other.The Spanish didn't attack them directly.They knew they couldn't win because they only had 600 men instead they blocked off their water supply and the Aztecs fell.Plus the Spanish brought disease to the Aztecs.

Things city designers can change is how they make the streets so there won't be many car crashes.If you make a street a specific way then you have to make sure people can easily drive on it.Also you can't make a bad street in a very populated area.Plus you can't make a city where a lot of bad things happen like torrnadoes and other things                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Aztecs were very religous.They thought that they needed to sacrafice people to please the gods.That the gods needed blood to make the sun rise in the day and fall in the night.What they did was take the prisoners to the top of the temple and take there heart out.They killed about 10,000 people in 1 year.There temple was stained with blood.After they took their heart they would throw their body down the stairs.The Aztecs would only use slaves for sacrifices.
The Aztec priest would take their hearts out.

The aztec priest would use this knife to make the sacrifices.
I think that we should use prison labor.They should use prison labor because they did something bad to get thrown in there so they should get punished.And it is not even a big deal.Besides they get paid (which they shouldn't).So I do think that they should have prison labor.