Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Aztecs were very religous.They thought that they needed to sacrafice people to please the gods.That the gods needed blood to make the sun rise in the day and fall in the night.What they did was take the prisoners to the top of the temple and take there heart out.They killed about 10,000 people in 1 year.There temple was stained with blood.After they took their heart they would throw their body down the stairs.The Aztecs would only use slaves for sacrifices.
The Aztec priest would take their hearts out.

The aztec priest would use this knife to make the sacrifices.
I think that we should use prison labor.They should use prison labor because they did something bad to get thrown in there so they should get punished.And it is not even a big deal.Besides they get paid (which they shouldn't).So I do think that they should have prison labor.

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